Saturday 8 February 2014

florence broadhurst in 30 seconds

so this chick was born in a tiny country town in qeensland, becomes a vaudeville singer and travels the world, then sets up a finishing school in hong kong where she teaches the kids of the rich and famous how to curtsey to kings, then becomes a fashion designer to yet more rich and famous in london (under a totally different name), then comes back to australia, has a kid (who is under the impression she and his dad are married until his dad sets him straight - after his mum eventually carks it) and sets up a trucking company, THEN (as if all that wasn't enough already) she sets up the original design/hand-printed wallpaper company that is what eventually makes her famous, AND THEN is brutally murdered in her wallpaper company design studio at the age of 78 and they never figure out who did it.