Sunday 31 July 2016

Salzburg Day 2 - Fortress Hohensalzburg

Fortress Hohensalsburg, which towers over the rest of the city, was begun in 1055 – 22 years before the construction of Westminster Abbey in the UK. It continued being built and added to for hundreds of years, as Salzburg went to war with Bavaria, the Turks, and the French over the centuries.

I spent hours pottering around, exploring salt rooms and ancient hidey-holes, shivering over dungeons and thrilling over moats.

There was also this great view of Salzburg from the top of one of the towers.

I then wandered through the Dom (Cathedral) and Residenz (town residence of the prince-archbishops of Salzburg). Stood for quite some time out on a terrace above one of the town squares, in the balmy evening air, listening to a three-piece band (clarinet, accordion and double bass) playing a variety of music, including a slow, twisted tango.

One of the rooms in the Residenz.

It was getting late so headed back towards camp. I had a long wait for the bus, and fortunately only 30 seconds before the bus arrived a storm started, with heavy rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder. I saw the aforementioned three-piece band legging it past me, heading for the train station - the double-bass player was having quite the job keeping up with the other two with his large instrument. It quite destroyed the romantic illusion they had created but it sure made me laugh.