Friday 17 February 2012

Tim Tams, self control and the profit motive

If only they sold self control with the Tim Tams!

Of course at first glance this would seem to be a self-defeating, profit-cutting endeavour - surely with self-control people would eat less Tim Tams and thus buy less Tim Tams and thus reduce the profit margin of the Tim Tam makers? Not necessarily so. Because, you see, I and many I know, well aware of our weakness for the chocolate-y goodness which is this biscuit, avoid them entirely except for moments of extreme emotional duress when the sugar/caffeine hit of a packet's-worth is the only thing that will take the edge off the psychological squirm. Assuming that such a Tim Tam consumption pattern arises maybe three or four times a year, that is only three or four packets of Tim Tams sold to each of our households per annum.

If however we had sufficient self-control to limit ourselves to say a single Tim Tam as a daily treat with our afternoon cup of tea, you're looking at a consumption pattern of one packet of Tim Tams every 11 days, or roughly 33 packets a year. Even assuming that we only buy a packet of Tim Tams say once every month (allowing for the sampling of other goodies with our afternoon tea, just to keep things fresh), you're still looking at a level of consumption which is three to four times higher than that seen in individuals with no Tim Tam-related self control whatsoever.

Based on these calculations, it seems there may be a tangible benefit waiting to be reaped from the investment of funds into the research and development of a Tim Tam-related self control substance which would, in the manner of all good grocery chains everywhere, be featured in its beautifully product-erised (designed, branded, focus-group-tested) form on the shelf above or below or beside the Tim Tams to encourage co-purchasing of the two products and, by immediately doubling the number of products sold, still further increasing profit margins.

(Put this way, I'm rather surprised no one's thought of this already...)

In other random product-related news, I noted recently that CC's has brought out an energy corn chip. I can't remember the brand name (obviously their marketing wasn't directed towards my target group), but I do remember thinking, hmm, a corn chip with guarana, now there's an idea. When does the Valium-laden salsa dip to offset the unnatural hype produced by consumption of said corn chip come out?