Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

It's the first day of the new year, that time of all times during the year when you think about what happened during the old year, what is to happen during the new, and the lessons you've learnt (or would like to) along the way. To give your musings (if you are so inclined), some direction, I would like to challenge you to think of the following:

(1) 3 things you've learnt this year;
(2) 3 resolutions for next year (things about yourself and/or your place in the world, that you would like to work on);
(3) 3 things you'd like to do (bucket list type things) in the next year.

Maybe the resolutions will fall by the wayside as so many generally do; but the things you've learnt over the past year will stick by you, and if nothing else, considering your resolutions and what you'd like to achieve during this year will help to focus your mind, even just for a little while, on what it is that you think is really important, what it is that you want for your life, and might just help you to adjust your course so you steer a little closer to these things over the next year so that the new year will be, as far as possible, a happy and increasingly contented one.